Purchasing Process
We strive to make the purchasing process as simple and easy as possible. It can get a bit confusing for new bunny-buyers, so that is why we have this page. Read everything on this page (we made it as short and easy to read as we could) and by the end, you will completely understand the bunny-buying process here at Envy Rabbitry. If you have any questions or live close enough to pick out your baby bunny in person, then contact us! We're happy to help!
Picking a Bunny
Place a Deposit
We Email You
Pick up Your Bunny!
Step 1
Picking a Bunny
View the baby bunnies we have available and pick the perfect one for your family. You can view the available bunnies by clicking HERE. You can see the different litters and information on the parents of the litter, pictures of the babies, deposit price, and the total price.